lords prayer words - traditional and contemporary prayers

God Please Help Me

"God, Lord Jesus,  please help me
I desperately need You right now
I'm all wrung out and I've nothing left
Somehow I need You to turn things around
God, can you help me?"

If that's you and you've just prayed this prayer, then there might be other prayers and resources on this site that can help you now:-
Do you need strength? Are you facing something which you feel is overwhelming you right now? This page has several prayers for finding God's strength and comfort in the middle of life's difficult situations. Includes a prayer for comfort when grieving.

Are you (or a friend) in need of God's healing - mental/physical/emotional? This page has a prayer asking God to bring His healing power into your body.

Do you need guidance? Are you not sure which way to turn? This page has bible verses, meditations and prayers to help you hear God's voice in the noise of life. Here you can meditate on a beautiful prayer which asks for His guidance and direction. You might also want to receive God's wisdom for a difficult life decision.

Sometimes we blow it. mess up, let ourselves (and others) down. Sometimes we really just need to ask God for his forgiveness and mercy, and make a decision to live life differently. On this page it's possible to pray prayers of forgiveness, either for oneself or for forgiving other people.

helpful inspirational quote by Martin Luther King

A prayer for when life is desperate

(for those in despair or depression)

I feel lost.
Find me Lord, pull back the wreckage of my life so that I can breathe again.
I feel abandoned.
Embrace me Lord, cover my wounds with your healing love so that I might stand restored.
I feel trapped.
Cut the chains Lord, release me from the weights that drag me down. Come bring your freedom and hope.
I am desperate, yet I seek you God, the one who conquered the darkness,
The one who rose from death, the one who said, “follow me”!
I will follow the brightness of your love.
Even when it is all but a distant glimmer
I will fix my eyes on it.

I feel lost, yet I am found in that light.
I feel abandoned, yet you are beside me.
I feel trapped, yet you call me to freedom.
I feel desperate, yet you lead me to peace.
I draw near to you Lord Jesus.

(a prayer for help by Julie Palmer © 2023 www.lords-prayer-words.com)

How to Pray When Life is Desperate

Julie Palmer shares with us three very difficult times in her life and how God helped her with answered prayers and physical healing:-

click here for a short prayer and meditation on Psalm 42 to help with depression.

make a prayer request
post your prayers here

There are many things that are essential to arriving at true peace of mind, and one of the most important is faith, which cannot be acquired without prayer.

John Wooden

Prayer for Peace of Mind

A short meditation on receiving God's peace from prayerscapes :-

click here to read the words to the video above and pray more prayers like this one on God's peace and strength.

Whatever your circumstance or situation, remember God loves you and cares about you deeply. He formed you in your mother's womb and He holds you right now - in this life and for all eternity.