This website contains many pages and resources about the "Our Father". There are popular English versions of this prayer, as well as translations into many other languages, such as Spanish, Latin and French. There is also an extensive commentary section to explore. If you enjoy reading famous prayers, you can discover some beautiful prayers from the Anglican, Catholic and Celtic traditions, such as the "Prayer of St Francis" and "St Patrick's Breastplate".
A series of prayers to help pray for those who are ill or suffering, with petitions for those currently being treated for cancer and those undergoing operations.
The work prayers concern career issues - changing jobs, going for interviews and prayers for businesses. There are also prayers for family life and finding and nurturing relationships.
A wide selection of simple and inspiring prayers for young children to say, including prayers for school assemblies and classrooms, and prayers to say at home with your child.
Here you can discover many prayers that mark different times and seasons through the year, such as prayers for Lent, Easter and Christmas. The life events section is broken down into two categories - prayers for church events (such as baptisms and weddings) and prayers for life events (e.g. birthdays, retirement, anniversaries etc.)
In this section you can post your own prayers to God, and discover more about the nature of prayer. There is also an extensive list of petition prayers, such as prayers for strength and courage. There is also a rich selection of blessing prayers (such as offertory prayers) and prayers for giving thanks and calling people to worship.
Also at our site is a list of top Christian websites to explore at your leisure.