lords prayer words - traditional and contemporary prayers

Prayers for Business

a prayer for my business

This page brings together several prayers to say when praying for your business, including a prayer for business success, a prayer for a directors meeting, and petition for business growth. There are also the famous "Prayer of Jabez" (found in 1 Chronicles 4:10) and an inspiring film that asks for God's guidance when wise decisions need to be made.

resources on this page

prayer for business success

The famous prayer by Jabez recorded in 1 Chronicles 4:10:-

prayer of Jabez for success

All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.

Lawrence of Arabia, Thomas Edward Lawrence (1885-1932), writer and British army officer

Prayer for business growth

Father, you are the foundation stone on which I build this business.
You are my God, the wonderful creator of everything that I am and all that I see.
I ask for a blessing on the work of my hands.
May the reign of your kingdom be extended in this company.
I desire for you to be involved in every area of it.
Blow upon this venture and fill it with your mighty presence.
Come direct, shape, mould and take it so that it can be excellent for you.
May it be a source of great blessing and goodness to those whom it serves.

I ask this in the name of my Lord, Jesus Christ.


(a Christian prayer for a business from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

Prayer for business

(prayer for the director of the business or for someone who is self-employed)

Lord, I give you all that I am,
All that I hold.

I ask for your guidance as I build and shape this business.
I trust that you will bless the work of my hands.
I pray that you would cover this enterprise and cover my investments.
I believe in your leadership that you will guide me and advise me.
Come and envision me.
May this venture be full of integrity, generosity, fruitfulness and provision.

I give you all that I am,
And all that I hold,
My Lord,


(a Christian prayer for a business from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

Morning Prayer Before Work

A short prayer before work asking for God's direction and energy for the day ahead:-

A meeting prayer

(a prayer suitable for a directors meeting)

Lord, you have entrusted us as stewards of your creation
Please guide our hearts as we make our decisions
We seek you first in all we do together
We give you our business, our suppliers, our customers and our workforce
May we be always mindful of their service
We confess that we are nothing without you
And our trust is in you completely


(a modern prayer for a business meeting from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

Prayer for Guidance

If you are currently unsure about a decision in work or are seeking direction for your business you may find the following short prayer useful:-

Short prayer for business success

Lord God,

Thank you for the opportunity to run this business.
I trust in your wisdom as I seek to work hard to make it secure and prosperous.
May good practice be the cornerstone of everything I do.
Come reveal new openings and areas for expansion and development.
May this business grow and flourish, creating great opportunity and provision for all those involved.
In the name of Jesus,

(a prayer for success from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

More pages with prayers about work & business...

here are links to some wonderfully inspired prayers to aid your journey