lords prayer words - traditional and contemporary prayers

Prayer Before Work

Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

(Dr. Howard Thurman)

Thurman was the first black man to become dean of Marsh Chapel at Boston University (in 1953), and was also a writer and spiritual mentor to Martin Luther King. When we pray for our work, what we lay our hands and hearts to do, we think about coming alive. We aspire to be in that place were we are fully alive, being everything that God has destined us to be.

May we not do work because we think we ought to. Rather, may we "come alive" and see where that leads us. This will be different for all of us. It may be that we are currently in a job which does not cause us to come alive, it's more about drudgery than living. Here you may want to ask God for his guidance. Perhaps there is training or education that you could take that would enable you get to the place you believe God is calling you to? Further down on this page there is a prayer that may help you at the moment.

resources on this page

Morning Prayer Before Work

A short (2.30min) prayer for God's peace and energy for the day ahead:-

Go where your best prayers take you

Frederick Buechner American writer and theologian, b.1926

Short Prayer Before Work

prayer before work

A work prayer

It may be that you are employed in a job that you originally felt "called" to do, but for whatever reason, you have lost motivation. Here you might want to try praying these words before you start your day:-

Lord, I offer you my work
I give you the disappointment I feel
I surrender by disillusionment
I confess my weakness
Reconnect me with You
I want to live again
To be fully alive
Stir in me a new song
May I sing for joy
Envision my mind
Equip my hands
Anoint my feet
Empower my voice
For your service
and your work
This day and everyday

(a modern prayer for work from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

Prayer of Thanks

Filling our hearts with gratitude to God can transform the way we see the day ahead...
prayer of thanks, with flower in the background

Prayer Before Work

(For those who are uncertain about the work they are in)

Lord, I feel confused about life at the moment
I'm not sure I'm in the right place
Thank you that wherever I am
You have gone before
You turn the night into day
Sadness in joy
And mourning into dancing
Help me to live in this place
And through my serving
Bring daylight, laughter and rejoicing

You may also want to ask for His patience and perseverence as you continue the work you are committed to.
(a modern prayer for work from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

Morning Prayer

Join prayer poet Julie Palmer as she leads us in a beautiful morning prayer to say before starting work:-

Catholic Prayers

Before Work

O Lord Jesus Christ, Only-begotten Son of your eternal Father:
You have said with your holy lips: "Without Me, you can do nothing."
My Lord, I embrace your words with my heart and soul,
and bow before your goodness and say:
Help me, your unworthy servant,
to complete this, my present undertaking,
in the name of the Father and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

And After Work

O Most sweet Jesus,
You are the fulfillment of all blessings.
Fill my soul with joy and gladness and save me.
Grant that your Name be glorified:
for not to us,
but to your Name are forever due honor, glory, and adoration.

A short prayer before starting work

Dear Lord,

Today, I offer you myself.
Come breathe your life
Into my working day.
Cause me to awake, to embrace the moment,
And to go in Your name.

Today, thank you that I can run without fear,
Serve with kindness,
And walk with You in this great adventure.


(a short work prayer from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

More pages with prayers about work & business...

here are links to some wonderfully inspired prayers to aid your journey