lords prayer words - traditional and contemporary prayers

Good Morning Prayers

Praying as we wake up is a great way to start the day! It helps to remind us of the real reason we are alive, and connects us with the living God. Jesus took early morning prayer very seriously - it's recorded in the Gospels that he arose before daybreak and went to be on His own to pray.

Featured on this page are several uplifting Christian prayers to say as the day begins, with an inspiring good morning prayer, a beautiful devotion, and a short morning prayer message for a friend. There is also an early morning prayer to God, a prayer to say for your family and a simple petition you can say before starting work.

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer

resources on this page

Short Morning Prayer Meditation

An inspirational prayer for the day with images of daybreaking across beautiful meadows:-

I'm ready, God, so ready, ready from head to toe, ready to sing, ready to raise a tune: "Wake up, soul! Wake up, harp! wake up, lute! Wake up, you sleepyhead sun!"

Psalm 57:8, (The Message)

Early Morning Prayer

You are the glorious morning,
You are refreshment and peace.
You are the sounds as the dawn breaks,
You are the rose that smells sweet.

You are the Lord, my creator,
You are the wonder of life.
You are the great words of wisdom,
I read them and fill up inside.

You are the wonderful sunrise,
You are restorer of hope.
You are the air that we breathe now,
You are the warm winter coat.

You are the Lord, my creator,
You are a love without end.
You are all grace and forgiveness,
I stand loved and free as your friend.

(prayer by Julie Palmer copyright © 2018 www.lords-prayer-words.com)

Prayer of Thanks

a morning prayer of thanks and gratitude to God:-

Morning Prayer of Thanks

Short Morning Prayers

The day ahead

Who can tell what a day might bring?
Therefore, gracious God,
cause me to live every day as if it were to be my last,
for I know not but that it may be such.
Cause me to live now
as I shall wish I had done
when I come to die.

Thomas a Kempis (1380-1471), Germany

Joyful rising

My Lord, what a morning,
my Lord, what a morning,
My Lord, what a morning,
when the stars begin to fall!

Charles Albert Tindley (1851-1933), USA

Mornings in heaven

Your enjoyment of the world is never right
until every morning you awake in heaven,
see yourself in God's palace,
and look upon the skies and the Earth
and the air as celestial joys,
having such a loving regard of all these
as if you were among the angels.

Thomas Traherne (1637-1674), England

Morning prayer for my family

Dear Lord,

I know that my family is precious to you, that you love them even more than I do. I ask this morning that we may all be aware of how your Holy Spirit dwells amongst us. O Lord bring your peace where there are concerns or worries. Bring your hope where there is disillusionment or confusion. Bring your healing where there is hurt or pain. I declare that you are Lord of this family and I welcome your peace, hope and healing here today. Amen.

(a family prayer from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

An Early Morning Prayer Meditation

an inspiring prayer poem that leads us to worship as the day breaks. The words in this film are taken from a prayer further up this page:-

Morning Devotional Prayer

(a prayer of worship and offering of oneself to God for the new day ahead)

Abba Father,

I dwell with you at the start of this new day. I ask that your love would chase away the fragments of my night time dreams and help me to focus on the tasks for today. I dwell on the promise that you know me, that you extend your grace to me, and that you take great delight in me. As I wash and dress, I dwell upon the crown of sonship, the royal inheritance you adopt me into. And as I make breakfast, I remember that you lay a table of goodness and hope for me each morning. Father, I share with you my concerns, my anxieties and hopes for the day ahead.

Thank you that you always listen. Thank you that your Holy Spirit goes with me every hour and every minute of my life.

I love dwelling with you, Father. Amen.

(a devotional prayer from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

Morning prayer message

"May the road rise up to meet you" is an ancient gaelic blessing suitable for sending to a friend or loved one:-

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Prayer to Awaken The Dawn

(a morning devotional prayer to say before sunrise)

Dear Lord,

Sometimes I arise before dawn,
I awake in the darkness but know that the light will emerge.
I wait on you Lord in hard times, just like those dark mornings when my heart feels cold, when I need to trust that the dawn will break, that light, life and love will shine bright.
Help me to remember at these times that morning has broken through the darkness, and to trust you with the anxieties, fears and grief of the night.
I will draw near to you, I will wait for the dawn.


(an early morning prayer from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

click here for several good prayers to say to receive God's strength in your life.

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer before work

Wake me!
Warm my heart with your love.
Shake me!
Inspire my mind with your words.
Fill me!
Nourish my soul with your hope.
Hold me!
Protect my life with your strength.
Be with me
As I work, rest and relax today.

(a prayer for the day ahead from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

My voice will come to you in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I send my prayer to you, and keep watch.

Psalm 5:3b, (BBE)

Good morning prayer

The world turns,
The sun rises,
The birds sing,
The dawn breaks.
The beauty of your creation,
Unfolds afresh, bathed in light!
I give you my life,
I notice my breath,
I appreciate the comfort of nourishment.
I soak up the light of a new day
Full of possibility and joy.
Thank you Lord!

(an early morning prayer from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

Take Time

Take time to think...
It is the source of power.
Take time to play...
It is the secret of perpetual youth.
Take time to laugh...
It is the music of the soul.
Take time to pray...
It is the greatest power on Earth.

(Anon., inscribed on the walls of the "Missionaries of Charity" children's home in Calcutta, India)

Positive Morning Prayer

O God of the light bright morning,
Come shine through me I pray.
O Lord of the pastel painted skies,
Speak afresh to my soul today.

O King of the sweetest birdsong,
Sing in my heart anew.
O Master of wild winds blowing,
Refresh my mind in your truth.

O Saviour of the fresh fragrant air,
Cover me with your grace.
O Father of this wonderous world,
Today I seek your face.

(a morning prayer from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

Morning prayer quote

Every morning lean your arms awhile
upon the windowsill of heaven
and gaze upon the Lord.
Then with the vision in your heart,
turn strong to meet your day.

(Thomas Blake)

Take a moment to hear from God...

here are links to some wonderfully inspired prayers to aid your journey