lords prayer words - traditional and contemporary prayers

Prayer for Good News

This page has several uplifting prayers to read for those who are currently awaiting news about something, such as a health test, job interview or for concerns about a family member. Often when we waiting to hear the outcome our minds can fill with anxiety and fear, and to this end there is a prayer to help overcome feelings of worry and stress, and also a prayer to accept God's peace. There is also the famous "Prayer of Jabez" which asks for the Lord's favour and blessing on a situation. We begin with an encouraging prayer for receiving good news:-

A Prayer to Receive Good News

(a prayer to hear a positive outcome over something you are anxious about)

Dear Lord,

I wait, I hope, I dwell in this place of expectancy, not alone but with you at my side.
Father, please come and calm my mind and still my thoughts with truth and life. You are all that I need, for here I can lean into you and find rest.
Lord, guard my mind, fill it with heavenly hope and my soul with a peace that surpass understanding.
I pray for good news, news that brings release and freedom for me. Yet I know that you are the good news! That in you I have found the greatest treasure, the safest harbour, the most beautiful sanctuary.
So I wait, I hope, I dwell with you.


(a prayer to hear a good outcome from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

The Prayer of Jabez

the famous prayer which boldly asks God for success in life:-
the prayer of jabez

Prayer for worry and stress

Loving Father,

I confess my great feelings of anxiety, sometimes the intensity of my stress is overwhelming. I know in my mind that you are with me, I know that your love encompasses all that I feel, that your peace fills me when I submit these things to you. So I draw near to you. Please still the circles of my thoughts. Help me to take each one captive now and allow your great love and grace to cover me.

Lord, I lay before you all the circumstances I face and ask for your Spirit to move in these things to bring change, healing and restoration.
Thank you that you are the one in whom I shelter, you are the home in which I rest and you are the arms of love around me.

I love you.


(a prayer to help calm fears from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

Click here to read more prayers for calming your heart and mind including a prayer to help overcome anxiety.

Prayer for Peace of Mind

A beautiful meditation for receiving God's peace, with uplifting images of birds flying over a serene lake:-

Prayer for Inner Peace

O God

I focus on Your resurrection love
Like a soft bed of grace,
I choose to lie down here.

I feel the peace
You have sown into my heart,
I choose to linger here.

I drink in Your eternal love
Thank you I am clothed forgiveness.
I choose always, to live here.


(a prayer for inner calm from www.lords-prayer-words.com