‹ €ÿ The Lords Prayer in Portuguese (Brazilian)
lords prayer words - traditional and contemporary prayers

The Lord's Prayer
(in Brazilian Portuguese - Protestant Version)

Pai Nosso, que estás no céu; Our Father, who art in heaven;
Santificado seja o Teu Nome; Hallowed be Thy Name;
Venha o Teu Reino; Thy Kingdom Come;
Seja feita a Tua Vontade; Thy Will be done;
Assim na terra como no céu; On earth as it is in heaven;
O pão nosso de cada dia nos dai hoje; Give us this day our daily bread;
E perdoai as nossas dívidas; And forgive us our trespasses;
Assim como nós perdoamos os nossos devedores; As we forgive those who trespass against us;
E não nos deixes cair em tentação; And lead us not into temptation;
Mas livrai-nos do mal; But deliver us from evil;
Pois Teu é o Reino; For Thine is the Kingdom;
O Poder e a Glória; the Power, and the Glory;
Para sempre; Forever and ever;
Amém! Amen!


(Thanks to Fernando Correa, from Campinas/SP-Brazil for these versions)

The Lord's Prayer
in Brazilian Portuguese (Catholic Version)

Pai Nosso que estás no céu; Our Father, who art in heaven;
Santificado seja o Vosso Nome; Hallowed be Thy Name;
Venha a nós o Vosso Reino; Thy Kingdom Come;
Seja feita a Vossa Vontade; Thy Will be done;
Assim na terra como no céu; On earth as it is in heaven;
O pão nosso de cada dia nos dai hoje; Give us this day our daily bread;
E perdoai as nossas ofensas; And forgive us our trespasses;
Assim como nós perdoamos a quem nos tem ofendido; As we forgive those who trespass against us;
E não nos deixeis cair em tentação; And lead us not into temptation;
Mas livrai-nos do mal; But deliver us from evil;
Amém! Amen!

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The Lord's prayer contains the sum total of religion and morals.


The Lord's Prayer

A reading of the Lord's Prayer in Aramaic, Spanish, Chinese and English, filmed in downtown New York shortly after the 9/11 tragedy:-

Explore the Lord's Prayer through the writings of three famous biblical theologians (Matthew Henry, Adam Clarke and Albert Barnes).

The Lord's prayer opens with addressing God as "Father who art in Heaven". There are then seven petitions. The first requests are contected with the worship of God ("Hallowed be thy name") and His ways. The next four concern the needs of man - his physical ("Give us today our daily bread"), mental (with temptation) spiritual (against evil) and relational needs (forgiveness). The prayer then concludes with a doxology.
